kai.pet...@gmail.com writes:
> 1 bit images of a size of 1024 x 1280 need to be processed this way,
> so 1310720 list elements. Also needs to be 2.7 only.

Where are these lists going to come from?  Files?  Process the file
differently, probably.  Use generators instead of lists, maybe.  Or
process one scan line at a time instead of the whole image.  Or
something.  Basically your plan and your question seem kind of naive.
If you can describe the ACTUAL application, you might be able to get
some better answers.  E.g. if it's image conversion, maybe there's an
existing tool for the formats you want.

How many of these images do you want to process?  If just a few, who
cares if it takes a little while?  If a lot, think about writing a C

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