Ron Adam wrote:
> Michael Hoffman wrote:
>> Ron Adam wrote:
>>> In all current cases, (that I know of), of differing types, '+' 
>>> raises an error.
>> Not quite:
>>  >>> "hello " + u"world"
>> u'hello world'
>>  >>> 4.5 + 5
>> 9.5
> In the case of numeric types, it's an addition and not a join.  I should 
> have specified in 'all cases, (I know of), where '+' is used to join 
> objects, but I thought that was clear from the context of the 
> discussion.  I haven't needed to use unicode yet, so it didn't come to 
> mind.

I believe Michael intended to show that "4.5 + 5" actually represents 
using + with two different types, specifically a float and an int, thus 
giving at least two common cases where errors are not raised.

(While the issue of "addition" vs. "join" is merely a (human) language 
issue... one could just as well say that those two numbers are being 
"joined" by the "+".)


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