Hello Guys, I want to get involved to Python Open source organisation.
I'm an undergrad student & also a full-time dev. My portfolio lives here, http://kishanthobhani.com. I would like to get involved in community building or related projects. My interests groups ranges from education to human centric design thinking. I have strong communication skills with appropriate ettiqutes to be part of healthy social communal. As part of my workbench i have linear pro-effiency of programming philosophy. Please guide me how should i get started & retain my contribution by adding value to foundation and its vision. Thank you everyone. Warm Regards, Kishan Thobhani ( @kishanio ) Jedi Master at Printajoy | Full Stack Software Engineer at Azoi, Inc. E: thobhanikis...@gmail.com W: www.kishanthobhani.com M: +91-972-594-0782 -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list