On 06/03/2015 08:00, Rustom Mody wrote:
On Thursday, March 5, 2015 at 10:49:54 AM UTC+5:30, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
Rustom Mody:

You keep talking of accent.
At first I thought you were using the word figuratively or else joking.
Im now beginning to wonder if you mean it literally.
If so have you patented a new AOIP protocol?
If not do you give tuitions¹ in ESP/telepathy/Voodoo? I'll be happy to

Where I work, people do use voice still occasionally to communicate.

I really dont understand what we are communicating (or not) about...

Can you hear my accent? I certainly cant hear yours
If you are talking of accent (aural/physical just to be clear) of your 
how is that more on-topic or relevant to this list than the weather in Finland.
[Yeah its been freakish weather out here for the last 10 days -- global warming?
And is global warming on topic for this list?]
Just to be clear -- I am going to be one of the tail-enders complaining about
on/off-topicness.  But someone or other will complain I guess.

If on the other hand you are being slightly metaphorical and using 'accent'
to talk of (say) Mark's britishisms¹ then please disambiguate for better 

But more to the point its still not clear (to me) whether you are objecting to
- to Mark
- to British accent

British accent, Christmas is early this year so ho, ho, ho. Nobody in this country ever guesses where I was born and bred, they all think I'm from the South West or the West Country. Irish, Scottish, Welsh, English alone are different. Most foreigners wouldn't have a dog's chance in hell of understanding a Geordie or a Glaswegian. Move 50 miles and you can hear a completely different accent. British accent indeed.

- to British spellings in software
- to anyone/anywhere international, using non-international format

¹Personally I find Mark's britishisms sometimes funny eg I found this
hilarious even though I could not decipher more than 70% of the british accent.
Sometimes though I find it irrelevant/unnecessary/undecipherable.

Personally I am not going to object to him nor am I going to object to anyone
objecting to him.

Anybody objecting about me will be accused by me of discrimination against autistic people. Now there is a not very subtle hint that might penetrate one or two of the thicker skins on the thicker heads that participate here. Thankfully the numbers of such people are extremely small or we could have had WWIII. Which could have happened when Global Crossing bought Racal Telecommunications and tried to stop us Brits using our kettles to make our cuppas. Now that is seriously brain dead. And they turned out to be a bit naughty with the books :(

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


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