alister <>: > The language is called English, the clue is in the name.
I don't care what you call it as long as you use the Hollywoodese accent and spelling. > interestingly most 'Brits' can switch between American English & > English without too much trouble I wish they actually did. Not to pick on the British. All native English-speakers seem to suffer from the same problem.(*) Fact remains I can easily understand what Chinese, Mexican, Italian, Russian or Malay colleagues say in English. For some reason, Australian and Indian speakers don't give me trouble, either. The Irish accent is borderline, but the British, sad to say, are hopeless. Marko (*) Why, I speak Finnish in the local dialect; however, I *don't* try my vernacular on any foreigner. The other day, a Russian colleague bravely initiated a dialogue in Finnish. I was careful to speak slowly using the standard dialect. --