Ned Deily wrote:

> In article <54ebdcfa$0$11100$>,
>  Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:
>> Almost right!
>> You can install Python from source. Unzip the source tar ball, cd into
>> the source directory, and run:
>> ./configure
>> make
>> BUT do *not* run `make install` as that will overwrite your system Python
>> and Bad Things will happen. Instead, run `make altinstall`.
> With no --prefix= on ./configure, the default install location is to
> /usr/local, so "make install" would install a link at
> /usr/local/bin/python (or python3) and it would only overwrite your
> system Python if the system Python happened to be installed in
> /usr/local/bin/.

Well, I'm not going to say you are wrong, but I can say that on Centos 5 
systems (and presumably that includes Fedora and Red Hat of the equivalent 
vintage), if you just run `make install` it overwrites the /usr/bin/python 
hard link to /usr/bin/python2.4. I know because I've done it :-( 



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