On Sunday, 22 February 2015 14:11:54 UTC, Mark Lawrence  wrote:
> On 19/02/2015 16:27, Phillip Fleming wrote:
> > In my opinion, Python will not take off like C/C++ if there is no ANSI
> > standard.
> >
> Python has already taken off because it doesn't have a standard as such.

Bjarne Stroustrup, in 'The Design and Evolution of C++', says about the early 
days of C++ (or possibly, C with Classes), something to the effect that he knw 

"C++ had to be a weed, that you left it for a year and came back and found it 
in twenty new places, rather than a rose that needed tending"

IMO Python has done very well being a similar kind of (very well behaved!) 

    Jon N

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