
> Dear Group,
> I am trying to build a search engine in Python.

How to design a search engine in Python?

First, design a search engine.

Then, write Python code to implement that search engine.

> To do this, I have read tutorials and working methodologies from web and
> books like Stanford IR book []. I
> know how to design a crawler, I know PostgresSql, I am fluent with
> PageRank, TF-IDF, Zipf's law, etc. I came to know of
> Whoosh[]

How does your search engine work? What does it do?

You MUST be able to describe the workings of your search engine in English,
or the natural language of your choice. Write out the steps that it must
take, the tasks that it must perform. This is your algorithm. Without an
algorithm, how do you expect to write code? What will the code do?

Once you have designed your search engine algorithm, then *and only then*
should you start to write code to implement that algorithm.



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