On 2/11/2015 5:17 PM, Mark Lawrence wrote:
There are loads of "possible loss of data" warnings such as.
15>..\Modules\_tkinter.c(640): warning C4267: '+=' : conversion from
'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
15>..\Modules\_tkinter.c(892): warning C4244: 'function' : conversion
from 'Py_ssize_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
Are these new? All in tkinter.c? Is so, can you find the patch
responsible (hg annotate?)?
I understand that these are usually silenced. Should I raise this on
the issue tracker?
The warnings *are* annoying, but I have mostly not bothered to say
anything since Viktor Stinner tends to eventually fix new ones and make
them go away. But feel free to go ahead, and add him as nosy. Also
Serhiy Storchaka if all/mostly tkinter.c
There are also some deprecation warnings such as
26>..\Modules\overlapped.c(977): warning C4996: 'WSAStringToAddressA':
Use WSAStringToAddressW() instead or define
_WINSOCK_DEPRECATED_NO_WARNINGS to disable deprecated API warnings
26> C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows
Kits\8.1\Include\um\winsock2.h(3623) : see declaration of
Should I raise this if only as a place holder?
Terry Jan Reedy