On 2/11/2015 8:04 AM, Albert van der Horst wrote:

It is not until we assign the object to a name (which becomes thereby a 
that the __name__ thingy comes into play, like so.

But __name__ would not come into play.

f = x->x**2

This would mean to create an anonymous function object and then bind 'f' to that object in the current local namespace. It would be the same as the discouraged

f = lambda x: x**2

I've heard arguments that with -> the __name__ is not filled in correctly.

Because local namespace name binding does not and should not mutate the object the name is bound to.

I can't see why the parser would understand more easily

def f(x):
     return x**2

f = x->
     return x**2

The parser parses both equally well.  That is not the issue.

Terry Jan Reedy


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