On 06/02/2015 19:02, Ian Kelly wrote:
On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 11:49 AM, C Smith <illusiontechniq...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 10:20 AM, Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sat, Feb 7, 2015 at 3:34 AM, C Smith <illusiontechniq...@gmail.com> wrote:
2): Symbol not found: __gfortran_compare_string
Ah, installing from source on a Mac and having problems. Have I heard
this story before? Just occasionally? It's almost as if the platform
is actively hostile toward C and Fortran...
But I found this at the far end of a Google search. Maybe it'll help?
I already had gcc installed and had used it to build other packages.
It worked in the past when clang was throwing errors. I tried making
the symlink from the stackoverflow question, but still get the same
errors. I will look around and see if I can find if gcc is even being
used by pip properly. I really regret not using virtual environments
from day one. Lesson learned the hard way, I guess. Thanks
With numpy and non-Linux platforms, I find it saves a lot of pain to
just install a binary distribution.
Regardless of numpy this site http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/
is a must know about for Windows users. Is there anything like it for
the Mac?
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what you can do for our language.
Mark Lawrence