Trying out pypeg2. The below grammar is recursive. A 'Gen' is an ident followed by parenthesized args. args is a csl of alphanum or Gen.
The tests 'p' and 'p2' are fine, but 'p3' fails SyntaxError: expecting u')' from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function from pypeg2 import * ident = re.compile (r'[a-z]+') alphanum = re.compile (r'[a-z0-9]+') num = re.compile (r'[0-9]+') class args (List): grammar = maybe_some ( csl ([alphanum, Gen])) class Gen (List): grammar = attr ('type', ident), '(', attr ('args', args), ')' p = parse ('abc,123', args) p2 = parse ('abc(123,456)', Gen) p3 = parse ('abc(123,def(456))', Gen) -- -- Those who don't understand recursion are doomed to repeat it --