Abhiram R <abhi.darkn...@gmail.com> writes:

> I've noticed a lot of people enquiring about syntactic errors and email
> somewhat butchers the indentation every now and then and the actual error
> gets buried in this mess.
It is almost never email that butchers the indentation. It is the
mis-use of HTML in email.

The simplest solution is: don't compose email messages in HTML.

> So is it possible to let everyone know that they need to paste their
> code on some site like pastebin.com and give us the link here so help
> can be provided better?
> Just a thought :)

No, it's far better to have the code right in the body of the message
where it is available to everyone viewing the message at any point in
time, regardless of the temporal availability of some arbitrary URL at
some third-party service.

 \          “It is well to remember that the entire universe, with one |
  `\   trifling exception, is composed of others.” —John Andrew Holmes |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney


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