I really like pymongo. And I really like Python. But one thing my fingers 
really get tired of typing is

This just does not roll of the fingers well. Too many “reach for modifier keys” 
in a row. I would rather use


Googling shows that I’m not the first to want to do this in the general sense 

Arguments aside of whether this should or shouldn’t be done, I want to know how 
I might solve this with Python. Consider it an academic pursuit.

The problem I have is not how to do the AttributeDictionary subclass, there are 
plenty of those examples. The problem is that the pymongo APIs already return 
dictionaries. In a language (Smalltalk, Objective-C, Ruby) that supports class 
extensions, that would be my first tool of choice to solve this problem. I’d 
just extend Dictionary to behave the way I want and be done with it. I can’t do 
that in Python though. I guess I could make my own module that subclasses the 
relevant pymongo classes, and do super() calling implementations of all of the 
relevant methods, coercing the return type. That is a maintenance headache 

What are my options, if any?

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