alb wrote: > Hi everyone, > > I've a document structure which is extremely simple and represented on a > spreadsheet in the following way (a made up example): > > subsystem | chapter | section | subsection | subsubsec | > A | | | | | > | func0 | | | | > | |interface| | | > | |latency | | | > | |priority | | | > | func1 | | | | > | |interface| | | > | |latency | | | > | |priority | | | > | |depend | | | > | | | variables | | > | | | | static | > | | | | global | > | | | functions | | > | | | | internal | > | | | | external | > > And I'd like to get a tree like this: > > A > +-------> func0 > | +---> interface > | +---> latency > | \---> priority > \-------> func1 > +---> interface > +---> latency > +---> priority > \---> depend > +---> variables > | +---> static > | \---> local > \---> functions > +---> internal > \---> external > > I know about the xlrd module to get data from excel and I'm also aware > about the ETE toolkit (which is more specific for bioinformatics, but I > guess can suitable fill the need). > > Does anyone recommend any other path other than scripting through these > two modules? > > Is there any more suitable module/example/project out there that would > achieve the same result? > > The reason for parsing is because the need behind is to create documents > edited in excel but typeset in LaTeX, therefore my script will spill out > \chapter, \section and so forth based on the tree structure. > > Every node will have some text and some images with a very light markup > like mediawiki that I can easily convert into latex. > > Hope I've not been too confusing. > Thanks for any pointer/suggestion/comment. > > Al > > p.s.: I'm not extremely proficient in python, actually I'm just starting > with it!
You can save the excel sheet as csv so that you an use the csv module which may be easier to use than xlrd. The rest should be doable by hand. Here's what I hacked together: $ cat import csv def column_index(row): for result, cell in enumerate(row, 0): if cell: return result raise ValueError class Node: def __init__(self, name, level): = name self.level = level self.children = [] def append(self, child): self.children.append(child) def __str__(self): return "\%s{%s}" % (self.level, def show(self): yield [] for i, child in enumerate(self.children): lastchild = i == len(self.children)-1 first = True for c in if first: yield ["\---> " if lastchild else "+---> "] + c first = False else: yield [" " if lastchild else "| "] + c def show2(self): yield str(self) for child in self.children: yield from child.show2() def show(root): for row in print("".join(row)) def show2(root): for line in root.show2(): print(line) def read_tree(rows, levelnames): root = Node("#ROOT", "#ROOT") old_level = 0 stack = [root] for i, row in enumerate(rows, 1): new_level = column_index(row) node = Node(row[new_level], levelnames[new_level]) if new_level == old_level: stack[-1].append(node) elif new_level > old_level: if new_level - old_level != 1: raise ValueError stack.append(stack[-1].children[-1]) stack[-1].append(node) old_level = new_level else: while new_level < old_level: stack.pop(-1) old_level -= 1 stack[-1].append(node) return root def main(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("infile") parser.add_argument("--latex", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() with open(args.infile) as f: rows = csv.reader(f) levelnames = next(rows) # skip header tree = read_tree(rows, levelnames) show_tree = show2 if args.latex else show for node in tree.children: show_tree(node) print("") if __name__ == "__main__": main() $ cat data.csv subsystem,chapter,section,subsection,subsubsec, A,,,,, ,func0,,,, ,,interface,,, ,,latency,,, ,,priority,,, ,func1,,,, ,,interface,,, ,,latency,,, ,,priority,,, ,,depend,,, ,,,variables,, ,,,,static, ,,,,global, ,,,functions,, ,,,,internal, ,,,,external, $ python3 data.csv A +---> func0 | +---> interface | +---> latency | \---> priority \---> func1 +---> interface +---> latency +---> priority \---> depend +---> variables | +---> static | \---> global \---> functions +---> internal \---> external $ python3 data.csv --latex \subsystem{A} \chapter{func0} \section{interface} \section{latency} \section{priority} \chapter{func1} \section{interface} \section{latency} \section{priority} \section{depend} \subsection{variables} \subsubsec{static} \subsubsec{global} \subsection{functions} \subsubsec{internal} \subsubsec{external} --