In article <>,
Tim  <> wrote:
>I have this type of situation and wonder if I should use a global
>variable outside the recursive function instead of passing the updated
>parameter through.
>I want to get a union of all the values that any 'things' key may have,
>even in a nested dictionary (and I do not know beforehand how deep the
>nesting might go):
>d = {'things':1, 'two':{'things':2}}
>def walk(obj, res):
>    if not hasattr(obj, 'keys'):
>        return set(), set()
>    if 'things' in obj:
>        res.add(obj['things'])
>    for k in obj:
>        walk(obj[k], res)
>    return res
>walk(d, set()) # returns {1, 2}
>Is it better to use a global to keep track of the values or does it even 

Neither. You shouldn't pass superfluous parameters, and you shouldn't
abuse globals.

The proper technique is make the global local to the normal subroutine,
then make the subroutine with those parameters you don't want to see
also local to that subroutine.

def fib(n):
    ' return the n-th Fibonacci number '
    a,b = 0,1
    def fib1(ap,bp):
       ' for f_n,f_n+1, return f_n+1,f_n+2 '
       return bp,ap+b
    for i in xrange(n):
       a,b = fib1(a,b)
    return a


Groetjes Albert
Economic growth -- being exponential -- ultimately falters.
albert@spe&ar& &=n


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