On Thursday, December 11, 2014 4:53:04 AM UTC, iMath wrote:
> I think the user interface shouldn't be freezed when using 
> concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor here,as it executes asynchronously ,
>  but it doesn't meet my expectations,anyone can explain why ? any other 
> solutions here to not let user interface freezed?
> code is here
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27393533/user-interface-freezed-when-using-concurrent-futures-threadpoolexecutor

It looks to me that what you are doing is sharing a single core between your 
GUI and your processing. Threading isn't usually a good approach to Python 
concurrency that is CPU-bound.

Simply changing ThreadPoolExecutor to ProcessPoolExecutor will improve 
performance, but will still allow the UI to freeze.

The approach I use for concurrency in GUI applications is for the GUI to run in 
the main thread (the default, and there's no choice) and to create a "manager" 
thread that does almost no work. This means that the GUI thread gets almost all 
the processing on the core on which it runs. Whenever there is work to do it is 
passed to the manager thread which immediately gives it to someone else. The 
someone else is a process pool. This ensures that the GUI doesn't freeze even 
in the face of lots of processing (because the processing is done in one or 
more separate processes).

In my book "Python in Practice", http://www.qtrac.eu/pipbook.html there's an 
example of how to do this in chapter 4. The example uses Tkinter but I use 
exactly the same approach in PyQt and PySide. This chapter also discusses many 
issues related to Python concurrency.

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