On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 2:30 PM, Docfxit <docf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am happy to paste it into a post.  The reason I didn't is because it's very 
> large.  The Python script is 1239 lines long.
> The example summary is 105 lines long.
> The input log is 6810 lines long.
> Are you sure you want me to post all of that here?  Or would you like me to 
> post it on a pastebin?

In that case, no matter where you post it, most of us are simply not
going to read it. So follow the advice that Steven linked to -
http://sscce.org/ - and make something that's actually manageable, and
then as an added bonus, it'll be small enough to post in-line.


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