So... I was browsing some questions on reddit, and one of them involved
tkinter and lambdas. Managed to help the person out, but in the process
ended up with more questions of my own :/
My basic confusion revolves around this: in one instance I see things
like the following:
R1 = tk.Radiobutton(root, text='A', value=100, variable=var,
command=lambda: update_label2('A', 100))
and in another example I see things like this:
class MyText(Text):
def __init__(self, master, **kw):
apply(Text.__init__, (self, master), kw)
self.bind("<Return>", lambda e: "break")
What I'm having trouble finding a concrete answer to is the difference
lambda: some_func
lambda e: some_func
lambda e=e: some_func
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Shiny! Let's be bad guys.
Reach me @ memilanuk (at) gmail dot com