Peter Otten wrote:

> Did you ever hit the "Socialize" button? Are you eager to see the latest
> tweets when you are reading a PEP? Do you run away screaming from a page
> where nothing moves without you hitting a button? Do you appreciate the
> choice between ten or so links to the documentation?

I dislike the new design of

The formatting of long text essays get completely mangled towards the bottom
of the page, e.g.:

Many links are broken. When you click on the broken link, it says that it
has been reported and will be fixed, but weeks later it remains broken,

It requires Javascript or else basic functionality fails. With Javascript,
basic functionality fails too, but in a much more entertaining and exciting
way, as in "I'm trying to click a button on that menu, why does the screen
keep refreshing and hiding the menu before I can click?".

I'm not terribly impressed by the design or the colour scheme, it's way
too "web 2.0", i.e. simultaneously pretentious and dumbed down.

But most of all, I despise the menus that pop up covering what I am trying
to read the page just because I happened to move the mouse over a button. I
loathe the practice of stuffing content into menus instead of using links
to individual web pages. And I hold nothing but scorn for the fact that the
main page has a slideshow.

But none of that even gets close to the spitting fury I feel when I see
the "Socialise" links. With the possible exception of the link to which at least has the vague excuse that there is
a #python channel, not that a visitor to the website has any way
to learn this.

Oh, I've just discovered that when you click in the search box, a perfectly
serviceable search box, it automatically expands by about 20%, just
because. Urge to kill rising...

> You can probably guess my opinion -- konqueror just crashed on the PEP
> index and for some reason I'm more annoyed about the page than about the
> browser.
> PS: Is there a something that I can block to trade black
> friday and cyber monkey sales for a box with a good old error message?

I love konquorer as a file manager, but I've come to the conclusion that
Firefox is the absolute worst web browser available, except for all the
rest. Firefox has a wonderful plugin, No Script, which lets you block
Javascript and other nonsense on a per-site basis.

I love me my No Script. Browsing the web is so painful without it.



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