On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 6:45 AM, Chris Cioffi <ch...@evenprimes.com> wrote:
>   File "/Users/chris/dev/LendingClub/lendingclub.py", line 40, in 
> _make_api_call
>     pprint(lcresponse.read())
> TypeError: 'module' object is not callable
> The relevant code is as follows:
> lcrequest = urllib.request.Request(url, data, {"Authorization": 
> authorizationKey})
> lcresponse = urllib.request.urlopen(lcrequest)
> Any ideas on what I should be looking for?  Based on the docs and examples I 
> would expect this to work.

Your problem isn't with urllib, but with pprint. The pprint module
exposes a function called pprint; you can use it either like this:

from pprint import pprint

Or like this:

import pprint

It looks like you're mixing and matching the two forms.

All the best!


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