On 11/27/2014 10:31 PM, Seymore4Head wrote:
On Thu, 27 Nov 2014 21:49:29 -0500, Dave Angel <da...@davea.name>
class Hand:
def __init__(self):
self.hand = []
# create Hand object
def __str__(self):
s = 'Hand contains '
for x in self.hand:
s = s + str(x) + " "
return s
I am using 2.7 (Codeskulptor). This is working code. It starts with
an empty list that gets appended from a full deck of shuffled cards.
I don't really know how to post working code without posting a lot. I
am not being too successful in trying to post enough code to have it
work without posting the entire code.
Here is the link if you want to run it.
The print out looks like this:
Hand contains H4 DQ.
I can (and am) currently printing the hand like this:
print "Player's",player
print "Dealer's",dealer
My question is can you add (self) in the __str__ so when you issue the
command "print player" the "player" part is included in the __str__.
You've already got self in the __str__ method, or you wouldn't have
access to self.hand. But there's no characteristic of 'self' that has
any idea of a name like "dealer" or "player". You have to add that if
you want it, as I suggested in my first guess. Steven has shown you as
well, along with a better explanation.
An object does NOT know the name or names that may be bound to it, any
more than I know what page of the county register has my birth
certificate recorded. If I want to know my own name, I'd better
remember it. Along with any nicknames I want to respond to. The way to
do it is the same way to know the hand that I hold, make an instance
attribute. And the place to do that is in the __init__() method.
class Hand:
def __init__(self, myname):
self.hand = []
# create Hand object
self.name = myname
def __str__(self):
s = self.name + ' contains '
for x in self.hand:
s = s + str(x) + " "
return s