On Mon Nov 24 2014 at 11:56:31 PM Michael Torrie <torr...@gmail.com> wrote: Looks alright. Does it work?
Well, no =/ First I had to remove the multiple inheritance, because Qt doesn't allow that, so I removed the QObject. Second, just for testing I'm calling the module directly using: timer = QTimer() timer.start(5000) def output_slot(): outpost = Outpost('123456') outpost.start() MainWindow.vlay.addWidget(create_box(outpost.info_a + " : " + outpost.info_b)) timer.timeout.connect(output_slot) But I'm getting this: Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\Documents\PyCharm\Trader\Trader\core\outpost.py", line 18, in run with soup.select('div.stat_box div.value')[0].get_text().replace(',', '') as trades, \ AttributeError: __exit__
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