On 2005-07-22, Roy Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ximo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Can I do a function which don't return anything?
>>The question is that, if I do a function that have a return or without 
>>return, it returns always "None", but i want that it doesnt return me 
> What do you mean by "don't return anything", as oppossed to returning
> None?  Let's say I had one of those functions, and did:
> foo = noReturnValue()
> print foo
> what would you expect (want?) to happen?

One supposes that if noReturnValue() really didn't return
anything, then the above code would cause an exception.

Personally, I don't really like the idea that falling off the
botton of a function implicitly returns None.  It's just not
explicit enough for me.  My preference would be that if the
function didn't execute a "return" statement, then it didn't
return anyting and attempting to use a return value would be an

I suppose there probably is code out there that depends on the
implicit "return None" at the end of every function, so it's
too late to change things now.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Is it FUN to be
                                  at               a MIDGET?

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