On Sun, 09 Nov 2014 17:49:29 -0800, Syed Khalid wrote:

> Albert,
> Code is not removing  empty lines containing blank characters and not
> removing leading and trailing spaces present in each line.
> import glob, codecs, re, os
> regex = re.compile(r"Age: |Sex: |House No:  ") # etc etc
> for txt in glob.glob("D:/Python/source/*.txt"):
>     with codecs.open(txt, encoding="utf-8") as f:
>         oldlines = f.readlines()
>     for i, line in enumerate(oldlines):
>         if "Elector's Name:" in line:
>             break
>     newlines = [regex.sub("", line).strip().replace("-", "_") for line
>     in oldlines[i:]]
>     with codecs.open(txt + "_out.txt", "wb", encoding="utf-8") as w:
>         w.write(os.linesep.join(newlines))
> Kindly do the needful

kindly read the code to understand how it is operating & then make the 
necessary changes/additions yourself comp.lang.python is no a free coding 

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