On 30Oct2014 17:58, Kiuhnm <gandal...@mail.com> wrote:
On Friday, October 31, 2014 1:33:07 AM UTC+1, Cameron Simpson wrote:
On 29Oct2014 08:34, gandalf23 wrote:
>OT: how can I hide my email in these posts?
>Every time I try to send a post, google warns me that my email is visible and 
so I edit it out.

Why would you want to hide your email?

I don't want more spam.

You just need to filter your email better.
Most of us do not hide our addresses.

I manage to filter most of my spam by filing anything which gets past all my rules that catch mailing lists and which do not come from addresses in my "known" group into a probably-spam folder. It is surprisingly effective.

  - to me (me in to/cc/bcc), from a "known" author ==> inbox
  - matches one of my mailing list rules ==> appropriate-folder
  - otherwise ==> probably-spam

That is a simplification, but it is my basic scheme. Works fairly well.

Anyway, this is off-topic for python-list so I'll shut up now.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

It must be public fact, because I'm not the only one who knows about it.
        - Stefan A. Werner <iczer-1!s...@uunet.uu.net>

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