On 2014-10-23 21:44, Seymore4Head wrote: [snip]
I tried to make range(10) work in Python 3 by: if int(y) in range(10): name.append(str(y)) It doesn't.
You didn't say what happened when you tried, but I can guess. When given, say, "g", it complains that it's not valid. Well, "g" isn't a valid digit, so no surprise there!
def nametonumber(name): lst=[] for y in (name): y.lower()
The .lower method _returns_ its result, which is just discarded. What you need is: y = y.lower()
if int(y) in range(10):
Non-digits don't have a numeric value, so that can fail.
y is already a string, so str(y) is pointless.
if y in " -()": name.append(y) if y in "abc": name.append("2") if y in "def": name.append("3") if y in "ghi": name.append("4") if y in "jkl": name.append("5") if y in "mno": name.append("6") if y in "pqrs": name.append("7") if y in "tuv": name.append("8") if y in "wxyz": name.append("9") number="".join(str(e) for e in name)
The elements of the list name are already strings.
return (number) a="1-800-getcharter" print (nametonumber(a))#1800 438 2427 837 a="1-800-leo laporte" print (nametonumber(a)) a="1 800 callaprogrammer" print (nametonumber(a))
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