I've been using the python-nltk package on Ubuntu, but I need ntlk 3.0
now.  I used 'sudo aptitude purge python-nltk' to get rid of my
existing installation, & followed instructions on the nltk website [1]
starting at step 4 (since I already have python-pip & python-numpy
packages installed).

$ sudo pip install -U 

I couldn't get it to work, until I realized that the permissions &
ownership on /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages were 'drwx--S---
root staff'.  A 'chmod -R a+rX' on that directory seems to have fixed
it.  Is it normal for sudo pip install to set the permissions that
way, or did I do something wrong?


Master Foo once said to a visiting programmer: "There is more
Unix-nature in one line of shell script than there is in ten
thousand lines of C."                        --- Eric Raymond

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