On 2014-10-15 20:36, ryguy7272 wrote:
On Wednesday, October 15, 2014 3:23:22 PM UTC-4, Terry Reedy wrote:
On 10/15/2014 3:09 PM, ryguy7272 wrote:

> I'm wondering how to debug code in IDLE Python 3.4.  I found this.

Use 3.4.2, which has an important bugfix for debugger.

> http://www.cs.uky.edu/~paulp/CS115F11/notes/debug/debug.html


> That looks pretty helpful,

> but mine is nothing like that.  All my controls are greyed out.

That is normal when you first turn debugger on.  You have to load a file

in the editor and then run it (F5).  On the site above, the file is

volume.py.  The the debugger is 'activated'.


Terry Jan Reedy

Oh, I didn't know that's how it works.  ok.  Makes sense.  Something is still 
wrong though.  I have a file named 'test_script.py'.

Here's the code:

def showMaxFactor(num):
      count = num / 2
      while count > 1:
           if num % count == 0:
           print 'largest factor of %d is %d' % \
                (num, count)
           count -= 1
           print num, "is prime"
      for eachNum in range(10, 21):

With the debugger ON, I hit F5 and get this.
'Expected an indent block'

I wouldn't say that's debugging anything.  I can't tell what line is throwing 
the error, or how to fix it.

Any thoughts?

The 'print' line is indented the same as the 'if' line.

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