Tzanko Tzanev a écrit : > hi :) > I need some help for this script > I have
please take care of indentation when posting code. > -------------------- > cursor = conn.cursor() > cursor.execute("select * from playlist limit 5") > result = cursor.fetchall() > # iterate through resultset > playlist_txt = '' > for record in result: mp3id = record[0] mp3_title = record[1] mp3_artist = record[2] playlist_txt += mp3id + mp3_title + mp3_artist Err... what about: print "<br />\n".join([" - ".join(record[:3]) for record in result]) or : for record in result: print "%s - %s - %s <br />" % tuple(record[:3]) Anyway, avoid string concatenation in loop, prefer appending to a list and then str.join(): playlist = [] for record in result: playlist.append(record[0] + record[1] + record[2]) print "\n".join(playlist) Note that this is a very strange and complicated way to write: print "\n".join([''.join(rec) for rec[:3] in result]) And, finally, if you just want to check what's in your resultset: print result > #print mp3id , " - ", mp3_title , ' - ', mp3_artist , "<br />" > cursor.close() > conn.close() Since you're doing a fetchall(), you could (and should if you don't use em again) free your resources as soon as you've retrieved the resultset: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("select * from playlist limit 5") result = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() conn.close() # now use the resultset... > ------------------ > #and want to print this out of "for record in result:" > print playlist_txt > > #but there is an error in > playlist_txt += mp3id + mp3_title + mp3_artist Are we supposed to guess what the error is ? Sorry, I'm not psychic enough. Please post the full traceback. (wild guess: mp3id is an integer ?) --