On 10/9/14 7:47 AM, random...@fastmail.us wrote:
I believe control-click, but Macs users could say better.
Control-click was the canonical way to do it when right click menus were
introduced in Mac OS itself. Some programs (notably Netscape) supported
them via click-hold before that. And it's been nearly a decade since
Apple sold a mouse with no ability to right-click.
The apple mouse has only one click in the hardware... but, through the
software (settings) the apple hardware 'know' which side of the mouse
you are pushing over. You can configure the mouse through the settings
to make the left or right side function alternately. The same is true
for the magic mouse (wireless, swipe-able); it also only has one clicker
but 'senses' which side of the mouse the fingers are over when the push
occurs. At any rate, right mousing on the mac has been happening for
several years.