On 10/9/2014 12:44 AM, Ian Kelly wrote:
On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 4:53 AM, Gelonida N <gelon...@gmail.com> wrote:

I just read about sys.meta_path, which allows to install custom importers
*BEFORE* the default importers.

However I have a use case where I would like to add a custom importer
*AFTER* all other import methods have failed.

Does anybody know how to do this.

One way of implementing this would be to add the default importer as first
entry in sys.meta_path. My only problem is, that I don't know how to create
a 'default-importer', such that I can add it into sys.meta_path

As of CPython 3.3 the default importers are already in sys.meta_path,
so you could just add your custom importer to the end. If you need to
support earlier versions or alternate implementations then this may
not be reliable.

thanks for your answer.

I'm using Puthon 2.7 for the given project and there sys.meta_path is [].

Just for fun I started Python3.3 and looked at it's meta_path, which contained for example _frozen_importlib.PathFinder

Unfortunately python 2.7 does not seem to have the package _frozen_importlib

So now the question seems to boil down to looking for the 2.7 equivalent of python 3.3's _frozen_importlib.PathFinder


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