linuxfreak wrote:
> Hi all,
> Was working with python 2.3 in a fedora core 3 machine. I upgraded it
> to Fedora Core 4 with a clean install. So now I have python 2.4
> installed. But when I try to install wxPython for python 2.4 using an
> rpm file i downloaded from the wxpython web site i get dependencies
> errors. Turns out that is needed but I checked and i
> see that is installed on my system. Help needed guys and
> needed pronto. Thanks a ton once again :)

I have fedora core 4 and a yum list wx* produces this:-

wxGTK.i386                               2.4.2-12               extras
wxGTK-common.i386                        2.4.2-12               extras
wxGTK-common-devel.i386                  2.4.2-12               extras
wxGTK-devel.i386                         2.4.2-12               extras
wxGTK-gl.i386                            2.4.2-12               extras
wxGTK-stc.i386                           2.4.2-12               extras
wxGTK-xrc.i386                           2.4.2-12               extras
wxGTK2.i386                              2.4.2-12               extras
wxGTK2-devel.i386                        2.4.2-12               extras
wxGTK2-gl.i386                           2.4.2-12               extras
wxGTK2-stc.i386                          2.4.2-12               extras
wxGTK2-xrc.i386                          2.4.2-12               extras
wxPythonGTK2.i386                            extras

So I assume a

yum install wxPythonGTK2

will get you wxPython installed.

  *I havn't done that since I only use Tkinter*



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