On 02/10/2014 14:30, writeson wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'd like to build a web site for myself, essentially a "vanity" web
> site to show off whatever web development skills I have, and perhaps
> do some blogging. I'm a Python developer, so I'd like to develop the
> site with the following stack:
> web applications written with Python and Flask, running as uwsgi
> applications. These would support dynamic HTML where needed, but
> mostly it would provide REST API's.
> static content delivered by Nginx
> Can anyone give me some recommendations for a good hosting company
> that would allow me work with the above tool set? I'm US based if
> that makes a difference.

WebFaction is definitely a good bet; I've used them for years and, aside
from their developer-friendly features, their support is always prompt,
responsive and helpful.

I'm also starting to look at Python Anywhere but I don't know enough
about their service to recommend them or not. (Altho' they've been
active supporters of the Python world especially in the UK for quite a
few years and they're basically smart and good guys).


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