On 25/09/2014 09:07, Pinter, Karina /C wrote:
Dear Team,

I am working as a software analyst at ExxonMobil. I received a software
request for Python Imaging Library 1.x and the user needs a 64bit setup
file for Python 2.7.2. Can I download it somewhere?

Thanks in advance.

*/Best Regards,/*

Karina Pinter/**
**/ExxonMobil BSC Hungary Kft./*
/Software Analyst/
/EMIT / IT Operations / Customer Infrastructure / IT Asset Management/*//*

/H-1139 Budapest, Váci út 81-85. Phone/: +36 1 298 5361


Are you aware that PIL is no longer supported? However a friendly fork is available see https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Pillow/2.5.3 where right at the bottom of a long page you'll find Pillow-2.5.3.win-amd64-py2.7.exe

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


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