On 09/23/2014 10:16 AM, blindanagram wrote:
What is the rationale for gcd(x, y) in Fractions returning a negative
value when y is negtive?

I guess it is implemented this way because its main use is in the Fraction constructor.

For example gcd(3, -7) returns -1, which means that a co-prime test that
would work in many other languages 'if gcd(x, y) == 1' will fail in
Python for negative y.

On the other hand, it allows:
>>> Fraction(3, -7)
Fraction(-3, 7)

>>> Fraction(3, -7) == Fraction(-3, 7)

Given that the implementation is particularly useful for Fraction() it is debatable whether the function shouldn't be called _gcd instead of gcd, but otherwise it makes sense.

And, of course, since -|x| is less than |x|, returning -|x| rather than
|x| is not returning the greatest common divisor of x and y when y is

however, you can always use abs on y before passing it to gcd.



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