On Thu, 21 Jul 2005 00:51:45 -0400, Christopher Subich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>Jp Calderone wrote:
>> In the particular case of wxWidgets, it turns out that the *GUI* blocks
>> for long periods of time, preventing the *network* from getting
>> attention.  But I agree with your position for other toolkits, such as
>> Gtk, Qt, or Tk.
>Wow, I'm not familiar with wxWidgets; how's that work?

wxWidgets' event loop doesn't differentiate between two unrelated (but similar 
sounding) concepts: blocking arbitrary input from the user (as in the case of 
modal dialogs) and blocking execution of code.

When you pop up a modal dialog, your code will not get another chance to run 
until the user dismisses it.  Similarly, as long as a menu is open, your code 
will not get to run.


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