I'm trying to set up Eclipse with PyDev and I can't get the code analysis to 
work the way I want.

Whenever I type 'def' it generates an error before I finish the line. I don't 
want to see errors until I finish typing. It's not an error I'm just not done 
yet. So I try to turn this off by going to 
Window>Preferences>PyDev>Editor>CodeAnalysis and setting the option When do we 
analyze? to Only on save. This doesn't stop these errors from showing up while 
I'm typing. What it does is stop checking for warnings like 'unused variable' 
even on save. If I set the option to 'On any successful parse' then it will 
check for these warning only on save.

To summarize
Setting 'Only on save', turns off warnings but keeps giving real time errors.

Setting 'On any successful parse', checks for warnings only on save and keeps 
giving real time errors.

I'm using 
Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers
Pydev for Eclipse

What I am I doing wrong?



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