I'm going to be teaching an introductory course on Python in the Fall, so I am hurriedly trying to both learn Python and prepare the course during the next few weeks.
I'm curious if there is a command that allows everything from that point on in a python interactive session to be saved/spooled/forked/logged into a text file of the user's choice. (Like spool lets you do in Oracle splplus; like the protocol predicate lets you do in some version of Prolog; how you can save the Interactions window contents in DrScheme; etc.) I'd like to have students turn in such logs at various times, (to show that they've tried certain tests of their python code, etc.) if it is practical... Thanks for any pointers or assistance in this. My searches using google, google groups, and the search engine at www.python.org haven't been effective so far, either because this command does not exist or because (I hope!!) the search terms I've used just haven't been quite right. -- Sharon Tuttle Arcata, CA -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list