On 8/22/2014 10:26 AM, luofeiyu wrote:

     class Contact(object):
         def __init__(self, first_name=None, last_name=None,
                      display_name=None, email=None):
             self.first_name = first_name
             self.last_name = last_name
             self.display_name = display_name
             self.email = email
         def print_info(self):
             print(self.display_name, "<" + self.email + ">"  )
         def set_email(self, value):
             if '@' not in value:
                 raise Exception("This doesn't look like an email
             self._email = value
         def get_email(self):
             return self._email
         email = property(get_email, set_email)

     contact = Contact()

By posting code with an extra indent, you make it imposible to run by just cutting and pasting. You should already know that.

Terry Jan Reedy


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