The question of the type of the data sutructure depends of your use of the data.
You could avoid some confusion without naming your columns "lines"...

Anyway, here is a piece of code that read the file and count the star on the fly:
(The result is a dict of dict of int.)

import itertools
import csv

f = open("") #change your file name
lineReader = csv.reader(f)
#Set the lines titles (RHA280, etc)
l =    
linesTitles = l[2:]

#We construct the data structure and count the stars on the fly
datas = {}
for l in lineReader:
    name, allele = l[:2]
    if not allele: #empty line
    if name: #new block defining a TD*
        currentName = name
        d = dict.fromkeys(linesTitles, 0)
        datas[currentName] = d
    lines = l[2:]
    #add 1 to the lines not empty (<=> with a star)
    for title, value in itertools.izip(linesTitles,lines):
        if value:
            d[title] += 1
#little tests
print datas
print datas["TDF1"]["RHA280"]
print datas["TDF3"]["RHA280"]

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