On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 1:49 PM, Lele Gaifax <l...@metapensiero.it> wrote: > Even if I know this is not the right forum and I should (and I > eventually do, assuming a positive feedback) instead open a ticket and > attach the patch there, I'd like to hear opinions on whether this should > be enabled by default, and possibly get in touch with some Apple > owner...
Looks reasonable to me, at least if I understand the intent correctly. I've never used this functionality in bash (wasn't aware it existed). I assume the intention here is to easily re-execute compound statements pulled from saved history. Does your position in the history disappear if you operate_and_get_next(), then modify the next recalled input line? When you are finished with a series of Ctl-O keystrokes I presume you (as the user) press Ctl-U or Ctl-K to clear the input buffer? Skip -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list