On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 10:44 PM, Everything You Need To Know
<ey...@outlook.com> wrote:
>> [
>> I sincerely hope you're not teaching people to install Python 3.0! But
>> what _is_ the minimum expected version for this course? And what
>> platforms do you support?
> Sorry, I have tried to refer to version of #3.0+ meaning most current 
> version, though I wanted to make it clear we are not using versions of #2 
> because there is such a big difference between the two.

I figured you'd be getting the latest 3.x, but your course may well
depend on some specific minimum version, in which case you can say
something like "3.3+". But, that plus this comment...

> As for Platforms, we work off the 'IDLE' text editor from 
> https://www.python.org/ for windows, though which text editor you choose 
> really should not matter in this course, except for the text editor.

... makes me think you're very much Windows specific here. Is that the
case? Normally, "platform" means Windows/Linux/Mac OS/etc/etc.

>> The use of "Python 0.0" for the videos seems likely to be confusing.
>> It may be clearer if you put some other words with it, so it doesn't
>> look like an actual Python version number.
>> ]
> Yeah! I do agree with 0.0 being confusing, though this is just a result of 
> the structure of the courses, because there is a 'tutorial' playlist for 
> review and a course for beginners. Python 1.0 basically means you have 
> started learning python, anything before that is extra information (Though 
> also necessary). I will see what I come up with for Downloading other than 0.0

0.0 isn't the confusing bit; it's attaching that immediately after the
word "Python". If you called it "Python lesson 0.0" or something then
it'd be clearer.

> Thank you for your time

Thank you for yours! You've made all those videos... I'm just sitting
here being an arm-chair critic and hoping that it's helpful rather
than offensive :)


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