On 8/14/2014 7:19 PM, Denis McMahon wrote:
On Wed, 13 Aug 2014 07:39:20 -0400, Eric S. Johansson wrote:
you are clear but also missing a really good reason to break captchas.
handicapped accessibility. Captchas are a huge barrier to access and in
many cases push disabled users away from using a service with captchas.
That's as may be, but bozo is not trying to improve handicapped
accessibility, he's trying to write a spambot.
not necessary. you are probably right but he never described the
Please don't use the accessibility concerns surrounding captcha to
justify writing spambot software. It doesn't help the accessibility
argument to be seen to be pro spambot, in fact if anything it may damage
it. I agree that there are more reasons not to use captcha these days
than there are to use them, however I still don't advocate helping spambot
bastards defeat them.
not what I said or advocated. pointing out that breaking captchas is
good for accessibility issues it not the same as being pro spambot. it
may have that effect but it is not the same thing. fwiw, making software
accessible means making it possible to make your own interface via an
application api. the current scrape-a-gui model fails the
-what-the-user-needs test. at the same time, notice the huge security
risk an D(ability)A(ccessibility) api opens up. does not mean we
shouldn't use the DA api model, just that we also need to fix the
security problem at the same time.