On 14Aug2014 08:25, Chris =?utf-8?B?4oCcS3dwb2xza2HigJ0=?= Warrick
<kwpol...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Aug 14, 2014 4:30 AM, "luofeiyu" <elearn2...@gmail.com> wrote:
I have installed bluestacks(an android phone emulator) on my pc,and SL4A on
it.Now i can run python thish way :
1.edit an file ending with .py, save it in /sdcard/sl4a/scripts/
2.open sl4a ,and click the file to make it run.
Is there a python console to type python command to run python directly
such as in pc ?
Why are you using an Android emulator to run Python, a PC-first software?!
Just install the Windows version from http://python.org/ and use that.
Maybe he wants Python to run on the emulator? Just an idea...
Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>
The wonderous pulp and fibre of the brain had been substituted by brass and
iron; he had taught wheelwork to think. - Harry Wilmot Buxton 1832,
referring to Charles Babbage and his difference engine.