On 8/13/14 5:51 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 7:06 PM, GregS <n...@my.real.address.com> wrote:
When I assign the reference as a class variable, the reference has __self__
set, too, so I get an extra argument passed to the function.  If I assign
the reference as an instance variable, then __self__ is unset so no extra

Spin-off from Greg's thread.

The bound method object stores a reference to the original object (the
thing that becomes the first argument to the target function) in
__self__ (and the function in __func__). ISTM this ought to be _self
(and _func), as it's intended to be private; is it really something
that has language-level significance on par with __lt__ and so on?


As I see it, dunder names are those whose meaning is defined by the Python language (and/or implementation?), and whose use is typically behind-the-scenes. So "len" is defined by the language, but is meant to be front-and-center, so it has a nice name. __init__, __lt__, and __self__, have meanings and uses defined by Python itself, and so are reasonable as dunder names.

This is a crude namespacing: Python can use any name it likes so long as its a dunder name, and I can use any name I like, so long as it isn't.

Yes, the definition is fuzzy.... :)

Ned Batchelder, http://nedbatchelder.com


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