> >> By the way, you keep replying to people, and quoting them, but > >> deleting their name. Please leave the attribution in place, so we > >> know who you are replying to. > > > > That's what the "References:"-Header is there for. > > The References header is for the benefit of news and mail clients, > not human readers.
Any half-decent news client will happily display a thread tree for you. Based on that References:-Header. > It is rude to deliberately refuse to give attributes: > So please stop being rude, and follow the convention of both email and > usenet (as well as broader society) to give attribution to those you > quote. I've been using mail and news for over 20 years now, you definitely don't need to teach me anything. End of subthread. Good Bye, Wolfgang -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list