On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 9:57 AM, Frank Scafidi <fpscaf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I just acquired a Raspberry Pi and want to program in Python. I was a PL/1
> programmer back in the 60's & 70's and Python is similar. I am struggling
> with some very fundamental things that I am not finding in the
> documentation. Can someone help me with the basics like how do I save a
> program I've written, reload it in Python, list the program once it's
> loaded? How do I edit a program? Are these command line functions?

These sound like RPi questions, rather than Python questions. You may
find knowledgeable people here on this list, but if not, I would
advise hunting down an RPi mailing list or newsgroup and asking there.
Most of us here use full computers, where questions like "how do I
save a file?" are trivially easy... you may find, actually, that
starting on a PC and then pushing the file to the RPi is the easiest
way to work.


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