Dear Programmers,
I have been looking at the You tube 'Web Scraping Tutorials' of Chris Reeves. I 
have tried a few of his python programs in the Python27 command prompt, but 
altered them from accessing data using links say from the Dow Jones index, to 
accessing the details I would be interested in accessing from the 'Racing Post' 
on a daily basis. Anyhow, the code it returns is not in the example I am going 
to give, is not the information I am seeking, instead of returning the given 
odds on a horse, it only returns a [], which isn't much use. 
I would be glad if you could tell me where I am going wrong. 
Yours faithfully
Simon Evans.
>>>import urllib
>>>import re
>>>htmlfile = urllib.urlopen("

htmltext =
regex = '<strong>1<a href="


{width:695,height:800})"title="Full details about this HORSE">Lively 

>>>pattern = re.compile(regex)
>>>print odds
>>>import urllib
>>>import re
>>>htmlfile = urllib.urlopen("

>>>htmltext =
>>>regex = '<a></a>'
>>>pattern = re.compile(regex)
>>>print odds

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