On 2014-08-11, Grant Edwards <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:

> What MTP allows is parallel access between the MTP protocol server in
> the phone and the rest of the phone (OS and apps).  In order to mount
> a partition as a USB mass storage device, it has to first be unmounted
> by the Android system.  That's OK for an SD card that doesn't contain
> anything important required by the Android system, but it means that
> you can't mount the "system" partition without shutting down the phone
> completely.

Another important reason for not presenting the phone's built-in flash
as a USB mass storage device is that it requires you to use a
brain-dead broken-as-designed Microsoft filesystem left over from the
days of 360K floppy disk drives -- otherwise Windows won't know what
to do with it.

It's _possible_ to build an Android phone tht runs an DOS file system
(and IIRC people have done it) but it introduces all sorts of
security, reliability, and performance problems.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I wonder if I ought
                                  at               to tell them about my
                              gmail.com            PREVIOUS LIFE as a COMPLETE

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